Hope begins here


C.L.E.A.R. and Operation Helping Hand utilize Sussex County law enforcement as a resource to link individuals affected by substance use to the Center for Prevention & Counseling for help.

Peer Recovery Coaching

Connection to Treatment

Narcan & Harm Reduction

Family Support



In 2024

23 overdose deaths due to opioids and other drugs.

The reality is that over 46 million Americans have substance use disorder. The disease of addiction affects all people- no matter their occupation, income level, race or community status. Our communities are in the midst of an addiction epidemic, fueled by opioid use. In fact, in 2024, the Sussex County area had 23 overdose deaths, along with 71 overdoses where Narcan was administered by EMS or Law Enforcement. Overdose rates have been steadily increasing due largely to fentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid, and fatal overdoses have decreased locally, due in part to increased access to Narcan.

A group of key stakeholders have been proactively organizing a collaborative partnership between community entities that are serving to provide real solutions to this current health crisis. Treating addiction increases community health by leaps and bounds. Whether you are a person with a substance use disorder or the loved one of someone with this disease, we are offering the real understanding that recovery options are available.

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